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Essences of Truth
Inspirations for Loving Life
The web home of Anne Round

Discover How to Live Life Lovingly
Essences of Truth is a collection of 29 essays that can open you to new ways of thinking about life. Through science, spiritual concepts and ancestral knowledge, the insights and guidance are offered for you to use as a roadmap to move in the world with more peace, love, and joy. The essence is to love everything just as it is and to live life wholeheartedly from a contemplative and compassionate view.
May love always lead our way of being in the world.
Through storytelling and reflection, the wisdom, life truths, and awareness that I have gained are presented in a straight forward easy to read manner. This exploration allows you to consider with gentle, self love:
The common ground we all have of being alive on Earth
The personal way we chose to navigate our lives
The way energy and intuition influence our journey every day
How creativity is expressed in our own unique way
Essences of Truth seeds ideas for learning who we are and what we are becoming. It provides guidance for loving the life we have and inspiration for expanding our horizons. We are encouraged to love ourselves more and more regardless of what is appearing in our lives. Each essay opens with a quote to set the tone and ends with an affirmation to carry forward into our lives. This is a book you can enjoy from cover to cover or sip a little wisdom each time you open it.
May the joy of loving life spring forth in our hearts.
Inspirations for Loving Life
Essences of Truth: Inspirations for Loving Life has inspired me to keep bringing my messages of wisdom to the world.
I am doing so with articles and podcast conversations. The buttons will take you directly to your preference.
May they bring joy, smiles, and love to you.
Reviews of Essences of Truth
"Meeting Anne and reading Anne's book has been a truly cathartic experience for me. The book is written in an autobiographical style that describes her journey as a human learning to love herself and others. The essays are short philosophical chapters that bring forward a set of values that answer the question "Who am I" from her perspective and how she has evolved spiritually through a lifetime of challenges.
Like Anne, I have spent a career working in demanding professional settings that require high academic skills and professional qualifications. I believed that you had to work hard to be successful, and that the amount of effort you put in correlated to the degree of success that you could earn/expect. As I have come to the end of my professional career, I am now seeing firsthand that there is another way: we can allow The Mystery to influence our lives in a positive way as partners in co-creating our existence. The gift of this book is to remind us that we are all energy. If we can work with energy in a conscious way, then it can do the work for us - just like plugging an appliance into the wall socket. We just have to learn to allow and make room for the magic to unfold.
I had the pleasure and privilege to meet Anne in person, and have come to know her as a friend. She is a genuine caring soul who exudes love for others and the planet. Her words of wisdom in this book are timeless and hopefully will influence others to reflect on their lives and perhaps shift perspectives from 'me' to 'we.'
I highly recommend you set aside some quiet time to read and re-read each chapter and to notice how the messages resonate with your very being."
Ash Knightley - British Columbia
"Thoughtful and uplifting messages for turbulent times
Anne Round shares insights and a passion for life in her collection of essays, Essences of Truth. With warmth and an open heart, she writes about a wide range of topics, including peace, self-love, creativity, the physical world, spiritual life, and family. There is a gentleness to the book, which I found soothing. I particularly enjoyed the intentions she sends to readers at the end of a chapter. May she continue writing uplifting messages during these times of significant change."
A. Buckner - California
“I thoroughly enjoyed reading Essences of Truth- Inspirations for Loving Life; I could hear your voice recounting your story. Thank you for sharing intimate details of your life to inspire others to examine their own stories.
I appreciate the rhythmic flow of your writing style. Through telling your truths and sharing your insights and practices, a roadmap to loving oneself and others is provided. It is essential to be reminded from time to time who we are and what we are capable of becoming. Thank you for the sweet reminders.“
Laura Lobel - California
"Anne's book, "Essences of Truth," expresses wisdom and spiritual truths and through story telling, teaches us how we can mine our life journey for the wisdom hidden within. A beautiful read!"
Linda Lang - ThoughtChange.com - Ontario
Order Your Copy
Essences of Truth

Essences of Truth is available in paperback globally on Amazon.
It is available as an ebook on Kindle, Kobo, and Apple.
It is available as an audiobook at multiple locations that sell audiobooks including Amazon and Audible.
If you are local to Victoria, Canada you can message me directly for a signed, locally printed paperback copy.
You can ask your favorite independent bookstore to order it for you.
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