Who is Anne Round?
"I would love to live like a river flows, carried by the surprise of its own unfolding.”
John O’Donohue
Greetings, Anne Round here, introducing myself. I am a transformational being walking my talk practically and magically every day. I am a lover of life and a committed light bearer for humanity. I cherish life as a privilege to be human.
On the ground level of this life, I am a retired physiotherapist (physical therapist), a wife, a mother, a creative, a sailor, a skier, a dancer, an author, and a contemplative with a host of other interests and explorations. On the cosmic level, I am a brilliant light of vibrational energy, vast, and multidimensional, just like you are. Here on planet Earth, I reside in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.
My spiritual journey has moved me towards meditation, shamanic journeying, and various energy healing methods. Step by step, the limiting beliefs that I had taken up and were restricting me from knowing myself as love in action have transformed. Now I like to flow with life, allowing ease and grace to be my companions. I have learned to trust in life. The more I trust and allow life to unfold, the easier it becomes. I walk forth in peace, love, and joy.
My creed is that by being the love we are, we are contributing to the expansion and evolution of humanity. When we acknowledge that we are love, a part of the fabric of the Universe, and a part of nature, then we can allow love to flow into us and radiate out of us to do its work in the world. Doing so with an intention for the highest good and love for all expands every possibility. This is how we will consciously build a new world where the source of all action is love instead of fear.
As a lifelong learner, I have completed:
Gene Keys Golden Path, Deep Dives and the Gene Keys Guides Programme
Natural Healing Arts and Energy Medicine Intensive with Sharon Forrest
Visionseeker and Continuum Workshops on Shamanism and Spirit Medicine with Hank Wesselman
Reiki Courses Level 1 and 2
As a lover of movement, I participate in:
Conscious Dance having explored 5Rythmes, Open Floor and Dance of Oneness
Tai Chi
Running, walking or biking regularly
Know Thyself and Love Thyself