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Who is Anne Round?

"I would love to live like a river flows, carried by the surprise of its own unfolding.”

John O’Donohue

Greetings, Anne Round here, introducing myself. I am a transformational being walking my talk practically and magically every day. I am a lover of life and a committed light bearer for humanity. I cherish life as a privilege to be human.


On the ground level of this life, I am a re­tired phys­io­ther­a­pist (physical therapist), a wife, a mother, a cre­ative, a sailor, a skier, a dancer, an au­thor, and a con­tem­pla­tive with a host of other in­ter­ests and ex­plo­rations. On the cos­mic level, I am a bril­liant light of vi­bra­tional en­ergy, vast, and mul­ti­di­men­sional, just like you are. Here on planet Earth, I re­side in Vic­to­ria, British Co­lum­bia, Canada.


My spir­i­tual jour­ney has moved me to­wards med­i­ta­tion, shamanic jour­ney­ing, and var­i­ous en­ergy heal­ing meth­ods. Step by step, the lim­it­ing be­liefs that I had taken up and were re­strict­ing me from know­ing my­self as love in ac­tion have trans­formed. Now I like to flow with life, al­low­ing ease and grace to be my com­pan­ions. I have learned to trust in life. The more I trust and al­low life to un­fold, the eas­ier it be­comes. I walk forth in peace, love, and joy.


My creed is that by be­ing the love we are, we are con­tribut­ing to the ex­pan­sion and evo­lu­tion of hu­man­ity. When we ac­knowl­edge that we are love, a part of the fab­ric of the Uni­verse, and a part of na­ture, then we can al­low love to flow into us and ra­di­ate out of us to do its work in the world. Do­ing so with an in­ten­tion for the high­est good and love for all ex­pands every pos­si­bil­ity. This is how we will con­sciously build a new world where the source of all ac­tion is love in­stead of fear.


As a lifelong learner, I have completed:


  • Gene Keys Golden Path, Deep Dives and the Gene Keys Guides Programme

  • Natural Healing Arts and Energy Medicine Intensive with Sharon Forrest

  • Visionseeker and Continuum Workshops on Shamanism and Spirit Medicine with Hank Wesselman  

  • Reiki Courses Level 1 and 2


As a lover of movement, I participate in: 


  • Conscious Dance having explored 5Rythmes, Open Floor and Dance of Oneness

  • Tai Chi

  • Running, walking or biking regularly



Know Thyself and Love Thyself 

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