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Love Notes for Life - Dance

Anne Round

By Anne Round

Published The Magic Happens Magazine June 2021

Photo by Ian Sparks used with permission.

“Dance, dance wher­ever you may be” is my im­pro­vised words from the song; Lord of the Dance. It is a tune that runs through my head fre­quently. I sing this one line on re­peat be­cause the other lyrics es­cape me. It re­minds me that all of life is a dance, a re­la­tion­ship of move­ment.

The move­ment of the stars, the plan­ets, and the moon tra­vers­ing the sky is a dance. It is the wind whis­per­ing sweet noth­ings and jostling the leaves as it swirls through the trees. Dance is the or­ches­tra­tion of the cos­mos, call and re­sponse en­er­gies that trans­form through mo­tion into fresh cre­ations. The ex­change of love en­ergy be­tween be­ings is the waltz of con­nec­tion. Our emo­tions and thoughts do the shuf­fle in our en­ergy fields, con­tin­u­ally chang­ing. The phys­i­cal leap­ing, twirling, and foot-stomp­ing are our mus­cles and joints ex­press­ing their range. Dance is uni­ver­sal, hap­pen­ing every­where you care to look.

Dance has pro­vided me with a healthy, safe, and wel­comed re­lief from the re­stric­tion of the pan­demic. Since late win­ter, a small group of us have gath­ered weekly in a park sur­rounded by trees. Our host pro­vides us, each, with a head­set that re­ceives mu­sic trans­mit­ted from her com­puter, one of the de­lights of mod­ern tech­nol­ogy. We dance around, moved by the mu­sic for an hour and a half. It has been a spe­cial treat to watch the var­i­ous trees com­ing into bloom week by week. The weather has been kind to us; it has not rained on us. Some days, we have had to bun­dle up in toques and gloves; other days, we are strip­ping lay­ers off. No mat­ter the weather, every week, it is a plea­sure to dance on the green grass and feel the earth be­neath my feet.

Danc­ing my prayers is a prac­tice I have en­joyed for 18 years. I be­gan fol­low­ing the 5Rhythms® work of Gabrielle Roth that brought heal­ing, ex­pan­sion, and re­ju­ve­na­tion into my life through weekly ses­sions and work­shops. The mu­sic spoke to my soul, and the abil­ity to move as my body de­sired was bliss­ful. I found my cre­ative ex­pres­sion through move­ment once again. I had been a fig­ure skater in my youth; the dance floor re­placed the ice rink. Dance gave me a place to ex­press any­thing and every­thing. I would dance frus­tra­tion about my kids, grief around loss, bore­dom from rou­tine, and joy of be­ing alive. I ex­plored all my emo­tional states on the dance floor, be­ing with what­ever arose at the mo­ment and al­low­ing it to move me. There were times of shift­ing of en­ergy, silly mo­ments, ec­sta­tic glimpses, and prayer­ful ded­i­ca­tions to liv­ing life as it is.

As I con­tinue to par­tic­i­pate in con­scious dance. It is a space to bring my prayers into mo­tion. I get to align with all that I am and to feel con­nected to every­thing be­yond time and space. It is a mov­ing med­i­ta­tion that fills me with joy and alive­ness. Dance brings me a light­ness that I can carry into the world be­yond the dance floor.

Cre­at­ing Love in Mo­tion:

A fa­vorite mo­ment of move­ment joy is kitchen danc­ing. Catch a tune and let your body re­spond. Do a quick side shuf­fle, a bounc­ing step, or a fancy twirl. Pause and let the mu­sic tickle your feet, sway your body or stretch your arms. A lit­tle waltz with a beloved is magic in the kitchen. Take short move­ment mo­ments while the din­ner is cook­ing. Just re­mem­ber to keep your eye on the stove also!

May mu­sic move you, body, and soul.

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