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Anne Round

Love Notes for Life - Farewell

By Anne Round

Published The Magic Happens Magazine July 2021

Photo by Anne Round

Happy Canada Day! I am here say­ing good­bye to my short yet won­der­ful ex­pe­ri­ence writ­ing for The Magic Hap­pens Mag­a­zine (TMH). I thought I would of­fer a re­cap of my life since I first in­tro­duced my­self in Jan­u­ary 2021.

Life is ac­cel­er­at­ing, it seems. I have my fin­ger in many pies at the mo­ment. Each ac­tiv­ity is a com­plete mys­tery of un­cer­tainty and un­known. I have found my­self com­mit­ting to more. I am trust­ing as I go that each step is the per­fect step. Each step is ex­pand­ing my depth and breadth.

I wrote, de­signed, and self-pub­lished my book Essences of Truth: In­spi­ra­tions for Lov­ing Life as the pan­demic be­gan in 2020. It was per­fect. Essences of Truth is 29 es­says that seed ideas about who we are and what we are be­com­ing. It has mes­sages of wis­dom for us to­day and gen­er­a­tions to come. It guides us to love our­selves and oth­ers. It ex­pands our hori­zons and de­liv­ers its life wis­dom through sto­ry­telling and re­flec­tion. It is avail­able on Ama­zon world­wide.

These past six months have seen me step­ping into record­ing and pro­duc­ing the au­dio­book of Essences of Truth. It has been a leap of faith to fig­ure out the tech­nol­ogy and deal with the emo­tional bar­ri­ers about hav­ing my voice heard. It is com­plete and should be avail­able shortly for your lis­ten­ing plea­sure. One crit­i­cal step in be­com­ing com­fort­able enough to make the au­dio­book was record­ing the monthly ar­ti­cles for TMH. Gifts ar­rive in many places, thank you!

The Gene Keys are a pas­sion I have held since 2012. I com­pleted the Venus Deep Dive into Love this win­ter. I con­tinue to use them daily to ex­pand my mys­ti­cal na­ture and ground truth into my life. I have joined the Gene Key Guide Pro­gramme. I will be guid­ing oth­ers into the joy of dis­cov­er­ing them­selves through con­tem­pla­tion, ac­cep­tance, and love.

I be­gan to share con­ver­sa­tions on pod­casts as a way to spread light into the world. It is an­other leap, one that ex­cites and gets nerves jin­gling. Pod­casts are hav­ing a con­ver­sa­tion with one per­son that the whole world can hear. They al­low our voices and en­ergy to reach those who call for love.

The en­er­gies are ripe for all this cre­ative pur­suit and step­ping up into the world as we live the be­gin­ning times of the Age of Aquar­ius. Each of our lives is a thread wo­ven into the cos­mic ta­pes­try of life evolv­ing. My prayer for you, dear reader, is that you catch this wave of in­spi­ra­tion, love, and unity and know your­self as di­vin­ity in a hu­man ex­pe­ri­ence. We are play­ing the best game in the uni­verse, be­ing hu­mans, and learn­ing to love our­selves home.

Cre­at­ing Love in Mo­tion:

Please wrap your right hand around your left shoul­der and your left hand around your right shoul­der, give your­self a huge hug. Cel­e­brate and love your­self al­ways!

May you know your­self as love, trust the process of life and en­joy the ride.

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