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Anne Round

By Anne Round

Published The Magic Happens Magazine July 2021

Photo by Anne Round

“When one door closes, an­other opens, but we of­ten look so long and so re­gret­fully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.” Alexan­der Gra­ham Bell

My heart jumps to read the news that an end­ing of a cre­ative out­let is hap­pen­ing. I im­me­di­ately feel the anx­i­ety of the de­ci­sion and how dif­fi­cult it is to bring any­thing in life to a close. Then I leap with a big smile on my face to how the end­ing will ben­e­fit and ex­pand the life of those in­volved. I see how let­ting go of the pres­sure and stress of the pre­sent ac­tiv­ity will al­low more joy and free­dom for the or­ga­niz­ers. I breathe, ac­cept the sit­u­a­tion and bless that every­one will find the new door wide open.

The en­er­gies of our times fully sup­port change. Hu­man­ity is con­tin­u­ously liv­ing in the tran­si­tions of dy­namic change. We have a choice to ac­cept, al­low and em­brace or block and re­sist any change. We can hold on tightly to the past, avoid­ing the new. We can will­ingly and gen­tly close the door of the past, re­spect­ing and cel­e­brat­ing all that has been. I pre­fer to travel in life with ease and grace, so I de­sire to open my heart and bless the past with love and de­light.

The pan­demic closed many doors for peo­ple. It pushed us to rec­on­cile our phys­i­cal, emo­tional, and spir­i­tual no­tions in many ar­eas of life. We had to let go and be with what was hap­pen­ing. It has forced us to shut our doors to the out­side world and drop deeply into our in­ner land­scape and val­ues. Now we are step­ping out as con­di­tions are slowly al­low­ing emer­gence. While we co­cooned in­side, our imag­i­nal cells were recre­at­ing us to greater po­ten­tials. We can feel our de­vel­op­ment. We have our fresh cre­ative wings to bring more love into the world. My prayer is that love, peace, and joy fill our world so we can open to our cre­ative na­ture and fly on­wards fully pre­sent.

Cel­e­bra­tion of the past is the beau­ti­ful mem­o­ries that we have to hold. We can cher­ish those mo­ments of de­light, laugh­ter, and com­mu­nion. We can ten­derly hold the hard parts, re­al­iz­ing that we made it through with pa­tience and re­silience. We ac­cept the past by lov­ing our­selves and our ac­tions in all sit­u­a­tions. We trust the fu­ture is un­fold­ing in the per­fec­tion of the di­vine. We live in the Now, know­ing we are love show­ing up the best way we can. We de­light in the magic that is life con­stantly evolv­ing.

Here’s to the past, the beauty and the beast. Here’s to the fu­ture mys­ter­ies that lie ahead. Here’s to Now, the only place that love is in ac­tion. Be the love, peace, and joy you are now, al­ways have been, and al­ways will be.

May all end­ings open doors of mag­nif­i­cent be­gin­nings!

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