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Cos­tumes for the Light

Anne Round

By Anne Round

Published The Magic Happens Magazine March 2021

Image by Pexels from Pixabay

We are cos­mic trav­el­ers jour­ney­ing forth con­tin­u­ously, dawn­ing new clothes as we ad­ven­ture into each life­time. We ar­rive with a blue­print of pos­si­bil­ity and po­ten­tial that gen­tly guides the play we will grow within. Each new out­fit of­fers us hope and ex­cite­ment of an ex­pe­ri­ence to bring love to our world.

Many years ago, dur­ing dream time, I was on a train. Every­thing seemed a lit­tle old fash­ioned, from the hey­day of train travel. A group gath­ered in one coach with a cloth par­ti­tion; the sort peo­ple could change be­hind. A gen­tle­man, wear­ing a black trench coat and bowler hat ex­plained how we change our cos­tumes each life­time. He stepped be­hind the screen and re­turned trans­formed into a Russ­ian man in Cos­sack uni­form. There was a com­plete trans­for­ma­tion of all his fea­tures and phys­i­cal build. Then he stepped be­hind again and reap­peared as a monk in saf­fron robes. Once more, he dis­ap­peared be­hind the screen, re­turn­ing as a woman who looked like Eliza Doolit­tle sell­ing flow­ers. The scene con­tin­ued with each cos­tume dis­play­ing the in­fi­nite va­ri­ety of hu­man na­ture.

In the dream state, I felt like I was watch­ing a magic show. I was ob­serv­ing how rein­car­na­tion works. It was clearly ex­plained that rein­car­na­tion is real, and we change our cos­tumes each life­time. Our es­sen­tial light sig­na­ture re­mains con­sis­tent from life to life while the scripts of the play change as well as the body of bi­ol­ogy we in­habit. It was em­pha­sized to me that we have tried on a mul­ti­tude of cos­tumes to ex­pe­ri­ence hu­man life in its wide va­ri­ety of di­verse and unique ex­pres­sions.

Rein­car­na­tion is not ac­cepted by all. Chris­t­ian doc­trine re­moved the con­cept in the third cen­tury AD. The Bud­dhist teach­ings carry the be­lief for­ward. Through hyp­no­sis, we can re­call and ex­pe­ri­ence past lives. Peo­ple who have near-death ex­pe­ri­ences speak of choos­ing be­tween re­turn­ing to their cur­rent body or go­ing into the light be­fore choos­ing an­other life. While our time be­yond death and our re­turn is a mys­tery, it makes sense to me that we cy­cle in and out of lives to ex­pand our hu­man ex­pe­ri­ence and bring forth more love, not less.

We ar­rive in each new cos­tume with a de­sire to bring love to hu­man­ity. Dur­ing our de­vel­op­men­tal jour­ney, we of­ten end up show­ing less and less love to our­selves and oth­ers. A crit­i­cal point ar­rives when we be­gin to re­turn to love as our modus operandi. It can be a grad­ual shift­ing of val­ues through our lives or a sud­den event that in­stantly shifts our per­spec­tive re­veal­ing the truth. Of­ten, we have to search for the light that has be­come hid­den by our cos­tume of life. We learn that we are love. We are the love and light that we wish to share, as is every­one.

No mat­ter the cos­tume we are wear­ing, con­scious­ness within is the same es­sen­tial light of all ex­is­tence. We are en­ergy and fre­quency wrapped up in bi­ol­ogy we call hu­man. We en­ter into fam­i­lies, we put on cos­tumes to fit in and to be­long within the cul­tural group. We are all the same essence cre­at­ing a vast di­ver­sity of ex­pe­ri­ences for the joy of be­ing alive.

May we all en­joy the cos­tume we are in now.

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