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Love Note for Life - Flow

Anne Round

By Anne Round

Published The Magic Happens Magazine April 2021

Image by Cameron Brodrick used with permission

I woke up this morn­ing with a sense of sat­is­fac­tion flow­ing in my be­ing. In the lim­i­nal space be­tween sleep­ing and wak­ing, I felt the gist of this ar­ti­cle pour forth. Now, as I sit to cap­ture the words, I am at­tempt­ing to re­cover the magic of those mo­ments that felt so com­plete and vi­brant. Truly catch­ing the sub­lime and al­low­ing it a place to flour­ish in our lives re­quires aware­ness and pa­tience.

I found my­self re­liv­ing sweet mem­o­ries of snow­shoe­ing with my hus­band on a warm Spring day in the ma­jes­tic si­lence of North­ern British Co­lum­bia. We were stand­ing on an ice-cov­ered river, lis­ten­ing to the wa­ter flow­ing with the gur­gles of thaw hap­pen­ing. The seren­ity of Na­ture was pal­pa­ble when rustling be­gan be­hind the bank. We stood very qui­etly, hold­ing our breath, then a wolver­ine popped up onto the snow­bank. It looked at us, gave a few sniffs of the air, and de­cided to dis­ap­pear. We let out our breath, star­tled by our sight­ing and cu­ri­ous if it would re­turn. Af­ter­ward, we calmed our­selves by lis­ten­ing to the flow of the river once again. The tran­quil­lity re­turned as the river con­tin­ued to sing her song of Spring. This story re­minds me that the un­der­cur­rent of life is flow and magic.

The key to liv­ing life in flow and open­ness no mat­ter what is hap­pen­ing is trust­ing that the Uni­verse al­ways has our back. It sounds easy to do when life is mov­ing along with ease. It takes prac­tice in times of smooth sail­ing to learn tech­niques that will serve us dur­ing stormy weather. I learned to love my­self in every mo­ment, even when I am ag­i­tated by wor­ries and fear of the fu­ture. I prac­tice re­main­ing in a state of re­laxed calm­ness as life whirls around me. I re­duce my ex­pec­ta­tions, be­come flex­i­ble with my thoughts about how things should be and what I want to achieve. Trust and pa­tience are es­sen­tial in­gre­di­ents in my life. I sur­ren­der my agen­das so that magic has space to cre­ate in my life. I live in deep con­fi­dence that what truly needs do­ing will hap­pen with ease and grace. I of­ten find my­self cre­at­ing and achiev­ing more than imag­ined when I flow with life.

Every day, I move through my life, flow­ing along, trust­ing the rhythm, and mak­ing choices as they arise. I de­vel­oped this lifestyle when I was rais­ing three lit­tle ones. I be­gan med­i­tat­ing in search of calm within the chaos. I stopped and took deep breaths to re­turn to my cen­ter. I danced, a mov­ing med­i­ta­tion that taught me to be grounded and dy­namic. I trained my­self to con­nect to the flow of life and trust that I am a pre­cious be­ing. Nowa­days, I am grate­ful for my flow­ing lifestyle. I ex­pe­ri­ence joy in the or­di­nary and con­fi­dence that all is well, even in times of trou­ble. There is a temp­ta­tion to force life into my dis­torted vi­sion of how it should be. Every time I do, it al­ways back­fires on me. My wis­est choice is ac­cept­ing and trust­ing that cre­ation hap­pens in di­vine tim­ing. I sur­ren­der to the flow of life that moves us ex­actly where we need to be, in a state of per­fec­tion.

Cre­at­ing Love in Mo­tion:

Imag­ine your­self stand­ing be­side a river. It is a sunny Spring day. Take a deep breath, sat­is­fied that this is the ex­act place you need to be. Let your thoughts drift into the wa­ter to be pu­ri­fied, giv­ing clar­ity space. Let your emo­tions flow into the river to be soft­ened, cre­at­ing ease. Feel the rays of the sun en­ter your body, cre­at­ing bril­liance and know­ing that all is well. Rest here for a mo­ment. Know that all is well. Then with a deep breath and a smile on your face, bring along clar­ity, ease, and trust to be with you as you re­turn to your day.

May we trust all is well and al­low life to flow.

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