By Anne Round
Published The Magic Happens Magazine May 2021
Image by Anne Round
I am surrounded by Beauty every day if I can listen and see the hand of God at play. Today was sunshine sparkling off the ocean. A stiff breeze, cresting the waves into white horses. A flock of seagulls taking to the air simultaneously, dipping and gliding with playful ease. The heron, extending its massive wings to skim along the edge of the shore. These moments of magnificence are heartfelt connections with the divine that we are and are embedded in.
Life is a conversation with the Universe of Love. It is talking to God, whatever you understand God to be, a divine intelligence, source, all that is. Prayer is a conversational exchange, a blending of energies with the Universe. It is communion with our soul essence. It is a dance of appreciation, wonder, and gratitude for the mystery that life is. It is a lover speaking to their beloved. It is precious and powerful. It creates a feeling of belonging and being part of so much more. Over my life, prayer has become my every moment. I am connected to and in conversation with my intuitive guidance system, my inner GPS, at all times. I am listening and paying attention to what is occurring around me physically, emotionally, mentally, and energetically. Prayer is the conversation that keeps me plugged in and belonging. It is happening when I wake, as I walk and when I am interacting with another. It is a lifestyle of awareness and gratitude.
The simplest prayer is “Thank you.” These two words spoken with a true feeling of being grateful for whatever is occurring are a powerful statement. The message is sent forth into the ethers “I appreciate what has just occurred. I felt it and resonant with it. I align with this frequency. Thank you.” While driving, when a light stays green, I often smile and speak out loud “Thank you.” I am grateful to remain in the flow of progressing along my route. It is a simple example that has the power to raise my energy, move me into a place of feeling I am fortunate and blessed. Somehow, I am making my own luck with this simple, fun practice because I am placing myself in alignment with the flow of life. If I am stopped by a red light, I take a breath and center myself. I collect myself in preparation to return to flow. I move through life with awareness and acceptance.
Prayers of gratitude help us to see the good in our lives and the world. An attitude of gratitude forms by reviewing a few moments from our day that we are thankful for and appreciate. This can be pausing before sleep and thinking about these moments, sharing them out loud with another, or make it a list in a journal. This acknowledgment moves you into energetic resonance with accepting more of these good things into your life. It wires your brain to see the cup of life as full.
Creating Love in Motion:
Let’s take a gratitude pause. Stop, drop into your belly with a couple of deep breaths. Look around, identify three things you are grateful for in your immediate area. Let the awareness of how these three things serve you settle into your being. Smile and say “Thank you” out loud.
May gratitude bring awe into your life.