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Love Notes for Life - Hearts

Anne Round

By Anne Round Published Magic Happens Magazine February 2021

Image by Ben Kerckx from Pixabay

My mind has been me­an­der­ing around hearts lately. I saw a glyph that made the in­fin­ity sym­bol into a heart shape. It was a clever vi­sual with the mes­sage of in­fi­nite love.

Can we have the courage to al­low our heart the light­ness that is its nat­ural state? The phys­i­cal heart is the drum­beat of life in our chest. It cre­ates the flow of blood that de­liv­ers the life-bear­ing oxy­gen to all parts of our body. It is a mirac­u­lous rhyth­mic sys­tem that sus­tains hu­man life. We also have our emo­tional en­er­getic heart that opens and closes de­pend­ing on our cir­cum­stances. It is a love valve within us. It nat­u­rally is a wide-open tap pour­ing love into the world; we see this in young chil­dren, the pure love flow­ing. Then life hap­pens, we be­gin to ta­per the flow as we limit our love for our­selves and oth­ers through judg­ments and mis­con­structed be­liefs. Our heart be­comes heavy and bur­dened, the love flow is con­stricted. When we are aware that we have al­lowed the weight of the world to re­strict our heart of­fer­ings then we can make changes to lighten our load, shift our at­ti­tude, and move into grat­i­tude. It is al­ways our choice even though it may take courage. My own emo­tional heart has been stretched lately. My three adult chil­dren have left the nest over the past num­ber of years. Grate­fully, we do get to share life with them. My heart ex­panded three times big­ger re­cently when two of them were cook­ing us din­ner to­gether. I sat watch­ing as they did the dance of shar­ing tasks, they moved seam­lessly with each other prepar­ing our feast. I could feel the sub­tle love of re­spect and ac­cep­tance be­tween them. Some­one cracked a joke and the erup­tion of laugh­ter curled around the scene. It was a mag­i­cal mama mo­ment, that I am hold­ing dear in my heart, wit­ness­ing love flow­ing with ease and grace. Then the fresh pasta needed more hands and the scene evolved into every­one help­ing to cre­ate to­gether. A rare treat for my heart to see and feel, sis­ter and brother, be­ing in heart co­her­ence.

We never know when our love in ac­tion will change the world. Re­cently, I glanced out my kitchen win­dow to see a friend walk­ing along the path be­side our house. I waved a morn­ing greet­ing and blew her a kiss then car­ried on with my day. Later, we were hav­ing a walk and she ex­plained that she was al­low­ing her mind to grum­ble away about life when she saw me in the win­dow. She ex­pe­ri­enced a com­plete shift as I waved and blew her the kiss, she felt like a stream of hearts was flow­ing to­wards, around, and into her. Her dis­po­si­tion changed in­stantly. The re­main­der of her day was light, bright, and cheery. Sim­ple acts of love can move hearts and minds.

Cre­at­ing love in mo­tion: Be­ing gifted with the sim­ple in­struc­tion of breath­ing in love and breath­ing out love has opened a whole new fo­cus for me. Now, as I breathe in love, I imag­ine a rain­bow of hearts mov­ing into my lungs and cir­cu­lat­ing into every cell of my body fill­ing me with love en­ergy. Then, as I breathe out love, I imag­ine hearts mov­ing out­ward 360 de­grees around my body cre­at­ing spheres of love en­ergy that travel on their own path. Give it a try and see how you feel.

May every breath fill your heart with love.

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