By Anne Round
Published The Magic Happens Magazine April 2021
Image by Anne Round

Wonders lie beyond our imagination on the unseen path ahead. The uncertainty of the future is a human condition that our mind generally holds with fear. In our minds, we plot and plan down to the finest detail our future endeavors and actions. In our hearts, there is a quiet knowing that we can trust the process of life unfolding.
While we sit with the discomfort of waiting for a future path to unfold, we are encouraged to hold the new in a state of expanding curiosity and joy. We tend to let our mind creep in with a grocery list of what if’s and how could items. These mental objections are usually the first indicator that our path is opening to the new, with a barrage of judgments from our past experiences or imagined flaws. Our way ahead is to thank the objections for showing up and choose to be excited and nervous simultaneously while steadfastly moving forward.
When a new potential is beginning to form, I often find myself speaking of the swirl of ideas and possibilities. It seems to be critical to ground the new path by writing or speaking. The next step is to let go, allowing the concoction of ideas and plans time to transform. During this middle stage of deep trust, the visions will blend to form something new. It is like baking, the unique ingredients get mixed, and the oven transforms them into a delicious cake.
The stage I am most intrigued by is the time in the oven. It is the heat in the middle that we have to endure while embracing the outcome. The phase that we do not get to watch. The transformation is science taking place. Heat creates reactions that make bubbles that cause the cake to rise. It is the invisible phase. It is the magical phase. When we find our lives in this stage of uncertainty and unknown change, we need to be patient and gently hold what is before us with perseverance and deep trust.
On a shamanic journey recently, I started with my intention and then found myself riding a horse, fast and powerfully across the landscape. During this time, I felt the shifting in my being as I joined with the horse and felt the passage of wind and time. At our destination, the vision was a clear future potential. The middle remained blurry throughout the ride. Like the time the cake hides in the heat of the oven. It is where our patience gets tested, and our practices become critical. We hold the future dream delicately so that all the required creations can line up in the perfection of divine timing. We accept the time the cake takes to bake to perfection, fluffy and light. We also accept the evolving new path for ourselves even though it is invisible and unknown.
The challenge is accepting the middle phase, that goopy, uncertain phase of becoming something new, something more. For me, this is the time for contemplation that holds the dream lightly and gently. For journaling, all that our mind objects to and all that our heart sings as possibilities. I like to get it all out of my system so, I also dance. Dance what is happening day by day. Dance with a deep trust that our feet root on this beautiful earth and our ideas are alive in the cosmos becoming form. When the dancing is complete, it is time to sit quietly and contemplate once again. It is our natural human cycle, movement, and stillness. Forever, knowing and trusting that our dreams enliven into being along an invisible path.
May perseverance and patience always guide our path.